LIAN DESIGNS              by Lin MacDonald

Update - May 2024


Another year, another Prime Minister and certainly a different Government - most of the current pack seem to be running for the hills before we even reach July.
However thanks are due to Richi for choosing 4th July as Clare is a week later (Please note 13th-14th July) this year so we will have time to recover!
I am still trying to empty my wool store and give up the Fairs but still falling off the wagon and buying more. I cannot really spend time chatting in wool shops without buying something - it's not fair to the owner.
Clare booked again this year in the fading hope that my Sumup might work there. Everyone else's does but I seem to have offended the Techno Fairy!! Here's - hoping, but please bring cash in case!
I am pretty sure that I will have my usual slot at Clare so it should be easy to find me. I am not as sure about Gransden in September as they have a new organiser.
I cannot produce as much as I used to (old age and family commitments) so I have concentrated mainly on rail stock, and I will be clearing some stock. There are a few different
yarn combinations and a few discounted 'samples'.
Clare isn't really a "woolly hat" venue but I will have some of my usual weird ones as well as squeaky birds and mewing cats.

Hope to see you there ready for a bright new "change" as promised by our potential new leader!

All the best,

Please check
our [List of Fairs]   in the spring to see where we will be.

If you have any questions please email me on